Celebrating older age in Cyprus!
The partnership of the e-Protect organised a special event to celebrate older age and promote the objectives of the project, regarding the safe internet use by the elderly. The event took place on Saturday, 22 of October 2022, at the facilities of the Materia group, a social enterprise located in Cyprus aiming to provide a holistic range of support, care, nursing and rehabilitation services to older adults and their families.
During the event, e-Protect partners had the opportunity to meet with the carers and the elderly through several activities. The preparation of the event started a couple of weeks before when the elderly were equipped with a digital photograph machine and guided to capture their daily technology-related activities. This visual material was used to develop a photo exhibition that took place during the event with the presence of relatives and friends. An interactive workshop was also initiated along with the elder people of the centre, on which they use the photos to connect the past with the future and promote the use of digital technologies and the internet to improve their quality of life.
Adult carers, educators and Materia staff were provided a presentation named “Lifelong learning: When do I stop learning?” to emphasize that people never stop learning and keep evolving during the whole life. The University of Third Age was promoted as means of lifelong learning through remote learning. The event was accompanied by a closing ceremony with traditional food and music to celebrate older age.