Seniors are willing to learn
A survey conducted by the University of Zurich (CH) with other partner has found new results on the learning habits and desires of seniors in Switzerland. The aim of the study was to identify the learning needs of the Swiss population over the age of 60. For this aim an online survey was conducted resulting with data of over 1’000 individuals over the age of 60.
In general, the study reveals the precise and distinct picture seniors have of their learning needs. The results show that seniors have a clear idea what topics and what thematic fields are interesting to them.
When developing offers for the senior population and when trying to meet their needs it is equally important to consider the financial situation of seniors. Most seniors will have retired from their profession and will likely be living with their pensions. Therefore, it’s important to respect the financial aspect when planning offers targeting seniors.
When it comes to digitalisation and ICT skills the main finding is that the seniors, here too, have a profound interest in the topic. People in the third age do not want to learn the functioning of digital devices. While learning these functional aspects, they are also interested in the critical reflection of the topic. With data security for example, they are interested in the societal consequences of the digitalisation and the data economy. They want to learn about the connections and the context.