Author: admineprotect

Online shopping and seniors

The share of individuals making purchases on the Internet has continued to grow in France since 2009, and this affects all generations. The health crisis has seriously increased this tendency, and more and more seniors are now shopping online.

However, there are still obstacles to using the Internet. A study showed that seniors aged 60+ are particularly concerned about the protection of their personal data. This goes so far as to push many of them to give up installing certain applications or stop browsing, or even to give up a purchase, due to a lack of confidence.

It is therefore essential to accompany them to reassure them and make them feel secure!

For more information read the full article here:

23rd Session of the House of Elders in Cyprus

Last March 2022, the 23rd Session of the House of Elders was held at the Filoxenia Conference Centre, under the auspices of the President of the House of Representatives, Mrs. Annita Demetriou.

The House of Representatives, aiming at its healthy interaction with society, supports activities that enhance citizenship, participatory democracy, pluralism and transparency and is interested in highlighting various problems of civil society for which the members of the House, as representatives of the people, seek solutions. It is in this context that the Cypriot Parliament’s support for the institution of the House of Elders comes into play.

The institution of the House of Elders, which is managed by the Pancyprian Coordinating Council for Volunteerism, aims to ensure the quality of the services offered to our elderly people, especially to ensure their inalienable right to live in dignity as people who have contributed to society, as well as to formulate policies that will effectively support the elderly.

You can find out more here.

How Can I Keep Grandma and Grandpa Safe Online? brings some great ways to keep our beloved older people safe when navigating the internet. According to the recent article by Celeste Tholen, people should be educated on basic principles to avoid online threats, safely use social media, and keep software protected.

In the article, educating seniors on internet safety is around basic online safety, online scams, safe social media use, and antivirus software. Good practices are also share such as deleting emails claiming to come from “official” sources, blocking scam phone calls, and not clicking on notifications and links from unfamiliar senders.

You can read the full article here.

Celebrating older age in Cyprus!

The partnership of the e-Protect organised a special event to celebrate older age and promote the objectives of the project, regarding the safe internet use by the elderly. The event took place on Saturday, 22 of October 2022, at the facilities of the Materia group, a social enterprise located in Cyprus aiming to provide a holistic range of support, care, nursing and rehabilitation services to older adults and their families.

During the event, e-Protect partners had the opportunity to meet with the carers and the elderly through several activities. The preparation of the event started a couple of weeks before when the elderly were equipped with a digital photograph machine and guided to capture their daily technology-related activities. This visual material was used to develop a photo exhibition that took place during the event with the presence of relatives and friends. An interactive workshop was also initiated along with the elder people of the centre, on which they use the photos to connect the past with the future and promote the use of digital technologies and the internet to improve their quality of life.

Adult carers, educators and Materia staff were provided a presentation named “Lifelong learning: When do I stop learning?” to emphasize that people never stop learning and keep evolving during the whole life. The University of Third Age was promoted as means of lifelong learning through remote learning. The event was accompanied by a closing ceremony with traditional food and music to celebrate older age.


e-Protect 8th Newsletter

Interview with an Adult Educator working with seniors – Tatiana Armuna

The e-Protect Toolkit supports adult trainers in working with the e-Protect curriculum and the competency scale. It also touches on the topic of the Role of the adult educator when working with seniors. On this issue Tatiana Armuna answered a few questions of the consortium. Tatiana Armuna is an adult trainer and technopedagogue from Switzerland.

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e-Protect 7th Newsletter

Short Joint Staff Training in Athens, Greece

The e-Protect transnational training event has provoked the establishment of a transnational community of practice of like-minded education professionals who will support the further development of the project’s educational resources to develop the digital skills of the elderly.

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e-Protect 6th Newsletter

Would you like to see an innovative programme for the elderly?

The e-Protect project consortium held a meeting on April 1, 2022. Apart from having incredible energy and positivity, the consortium met to give a brief update on the tasks that have been already done and planned for the upcoming period in the project. So, at the moment partners are working on the revision of the e-Protect Train-the-Trainer Toolkit, carried out by five adult educators from each partner country.

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e-Protect 5th Newsletter

Are you ready for some action? The e-Protect eLearning platform is coming soon…!

The e-Protect Learning Space

Within the spirit of remote and online learning, the e-Protect project consortium is developing an e-learning space that will present content specifically related to the internet safety skills for the elderly.
This platform is being designed for professionals working with the target group of elderly people (65+) or related institutions, policy makers, experts in the field of education, researchers etc. The user interface is also meant to support easy-to-navigate features, such as easy access to search and updates and simple navigation. More importantly, the e-Protect online space will support dissemination of the project’s activities and deliverables and will ensure that consumer and data protection requirements are known and are taken into account in defining and implementing EU training courses for the elderly
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e-Protect 4th Newsletter

The e-Protect Curricula for Internet Safety are finalized and ready to be used!

A few words about e-Protect

e-Protect is an Erasmus+ project aiming to address the consumer and data protection needs of the elderly people during internet use through their familiarization with ICT tools, by providing them with tailored training opportunities.
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e-Protect 3rd Newsletter

Despite the bad weather, smiles are the order of the day

Online meeting with the partners

The 2nd transnational partners meeting initially planned in Paris, was finally held online on January 28, 2022. It was with a smile that the consortium met to discuss the progress of the e-Protect project and the next steps to carry on until its end, expected in November 2022.
On the agenda, the hot topics were the status of the project results, communication of the project and points

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